Canning as manager...Success or not?

Match day discussion, transfers, and all things Accies

Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Accies4ever » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:44 pm

An interesting topic has opened up, one which I didn't think realistic, but I wonder if I could get your thoughts on the matter.

I'm sure we can all agree that things are not going well for Martin.
I'm sure we can also agree that he is an Accies man through and through and is an honest guy who's trying to do his best.
At least I hope we could all agree on that.

Here's the question, do you foresee a set of circumstances, where the board could approach Martin and say "look we're tried having you as the main man, and it hasn't worked out. How about we get an experienced manager in and you become his No 2".

That would allow Canning to stay as a player and to learn his managerial trade and who knows maybe take the reins at a future time, when he actually knows what he's doing.

Can you see Martin accepting that?
I think pride would get in the way and he'd go.
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby H9crx » Tue Feb 24, 2015 9:57 pm

Accies4ever wrote:An interesting topic has opened up, one which I didn't think realistic, but I wonder if I could get your thoughts on the matter.

I'm sure we can all agree that things are not going well for Martin.
I'm sure we can also agree that he is an Accies man through and through and is an honest guy who's trying to do his best.
At least I hope we could all agree on that.

Here's the question, do you foresee a set of circumstances, where the board could approach Martin and say "look we're tried having you as the main man, and it hasn't worked out. How about we get an experienced manager in and you become his No 2".

That would allow Canning to stay as a player and to learn his managerial trade and who knows maybe take the reins at a future time, when he actually knows what he's doing.

Can you see Martin accepting that?
I think pride would get in the way and he'd go.

This should have been plan A - I thope he would accept it as he is a nice guy and the fans want him to do well.
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Bann Joe Strinnge » Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:22 am

Yo A4E
You've stolen my post to Martin on another thread without acknowledging me, you plagiariser ye!!
Bann Joe Strinnge
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Bann Joe Strinnge » Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:35 am

I wonder Martin, if you have regretted accepting this appointment. Solid professional, and apparent good bloke as you are, if you were honest with yourself, I think you would admit that your management experience is limited - well actually non existent. You must feel impaired by your inability to see the whole picture in terms of how a game is flowing, and you are unable to ring the changes - not helped by your dugout team, whose arms seem to be velcro'ed to their torsos for the bulk of the matches. On reflection, I wonder if you would have accepted an assistant role to an experienced manager (if you could wind the clock back), and learn your trade - it is a big ask to come straight in to manage an SPFL Premiership club - a, on a shoestring, and b, with no previous experience. You are always going to be up against it. I fear your professional pride would reject such a situation were it to present itself now, and I fear you may find yourself in the wilderness next season. If you move on, it would be to a championship club at best, and no guarantee of a coaching/management role - would you be better at accies working under an experienced manager with a view to stepping back up at some future point? I hope you decide to go for this option if available in the unfortunate event that you get a tap on the shoulder by the directors...

Judge for yourself posters- je'accuse!!
Bann Joe Strinnge
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Bann Joe Strinnge » Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:38 am

Obviously a typo - j'accuse...!!
Bann Joe Strinnge
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Dr Slippy » Wed Feb 25, 2015 8:29 pm

If you take Martin's 8 games in charge the aggregate score is Accies 3 Opposition 20, & 2 of our 3 goals were scored in the first game. It's a staggering statistic.

That said I am desperate for Martin to succeed, and I genuinely believe his whole managerial career could be set by the next 4 games. If they go well I believe that confidence could be reborn and he would have a fighting chance of making it as a manager, but if they go badly I really believe it will be very difficult for Martin to recover.
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Re: Canning as manager...Success or not?

Postby Accies4ever » Wed Feb 25, 2015 9:56 pm

Bann Joe Strinnge wrote:Yo A4E
You've stolen my post to Martin on another thread without acknowledging me, you plagiariser ye!!

Did I?
My humblest apologies.
Posts: 394
Joined: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:13 pm


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