Fans forum

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Fans forum

Postby glasgow accie » Wed Dec 20, 2023 1:34 pm

I can’t make this …
However … could someone ask about the clubs 150 year anniversary… are the club planning any events ? A special strip ?
Also ask if we are looking to bring in a new keeper with Fulton being out with a broken arm ?
How bad is Scott Martins injury ? If it’s bad are we aiming to bring in cover ?
Are we trying to bring in a goal scorer ?
When Saturday comes...WE ARE HAMILTON........136
glasgow accie
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Re: Fans forum

Postby Red and white hoops » Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:57 pm

Looking forward to this.

Seeing as it’s a few days before Christmas it would be a good idea for the club to have the shop open or table set up as you go back out the function suite.
Red and white hoops
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Re: Fans forum

Postby Beckford » Fri Dec 22, 2023 4:25 pm

For me another really positive and enjoyable forum last night!

Abundantly clear that this board appreciate the importance of building a relationship with the fans and the level of transparency is night and day to what we were subjected to before. We might not all agree on various issues but fan engagement is at least permitted and encouraged under this regime.

Really great to see merchandise available at the forum too. This may seem a small thing, but again what a difference to what we had before and a no brainer for getting in extra income. Nice touch with John "working the till" personally too. From what I have heard there were obstacles to getting the shop open last night so this was the perfect solution (and it looked like they sold a fair bit.)

For me the big takeaway message from all the forums so far has been the acknowledgement of how negative a presence McGowan has been , and continues to be at the club. The ice rink shambles is a perfect example. Nothing to do with the club yet its our reputation that is damaged by the usual standard of McGowans projects. Oh and the fantastic company that designed the Web site has gone bust! I for one am shocked to hear that a company linked to this guy has gone out of business and failed to deliver what was promised!! We need a fit for purpose club web site and on line club shop ASAP and it goes without saying, that for me the sooner McGowan is fully gone the better.

Long may the forums continue! Win loose or draw, very happy with those that are running our CLUB now. Yes there are still issues and no one would claim that things are perfect, but at least we have the reassurance that there are people working in the best interests of the club and us as fans.

Massive thank you to the board, keep it up please.
Seaside Leagues
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Re: Fans forum

Postby AccieDownUnder » Sat Dec 23, 2023 8:10 am

Thanks for the update. Was anything mentioned with regards to Martins injury? Also interesting hearing from Rankin pre match that we have 1 signed already for January the 1st. Any idea who? I’m guessing Fulton will be out for quite some time so I would hope a goalkeeper is high on the priority list.

I’m home over the Christmas period from Sydney and taking in today’s game so here’s hoping for a big reaction and 3 points!
Seaside Leagues
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Re: Fans forum

Postby Beckford » Sat Dec 23, 2023 9:13 am

Martin expected to be out for 6 to 8 weeks. Report on Fulton is a suspected fracture but yet to be confirmed. I don't think it was stated that a goalkeeper is a signing target (sorry I couldn't clearly make out a part of this discussion as the speakers microphones were not working) we were advised that a box to box aggressive midfielder to play alongside Martin and the elusive poacher type striker is the main signing targets.

Gerry also spoke about how well the new sports science/physio/re-hab facilities and personel are performing and how the management of injuries has greatly improved. Hopefully this means our key players will return sooner rather than later.

One point that they were keen to emphasise was that Rankin was not sufficiently supported by the previous board last season and this was key to our relegation. (Largely down to you know who' being in control) This season, Rankin has achieved the targets set to date (Points target, KPI's etc) and will have the continued support and backing of the board. I took from what was said that Rankin worked under challenging circumstances last year and has credit in the bank this season with the board

Hope the weather conditions improve before the game kicks off and you witness a really great performance AccieDownUnder
Seaside Leagues
Posts: 191
Joined: Sat May 20, 2023 10:54 am

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